Stable Stories

Breyerfest reveals so far

Published on 13 January 2025

Event Stablemates

This year, I love all the stablemates. If I had to put them in order, I would say:

I will definitely search for the polo pony (Bellini) and maybe Cava. These names are very fun and fit the theme very well! I also love that they did realistic colors this time as I did not like last year's stablemates

Limited Editions

Belesema Sapphire is the first portrait model of a horse that Breyer revealed. It's a chestnut mare.

I am not sure, but I might purchase her. I really like this mold, and I believe that there might be a variation with all 3 versions of it.

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Halcyonia Night Life is the second LE. To be honest, this model doesn't excite me. I am not a huge fan of black models as I find them a bit boring. In the images, there are some dapples, which is nice, but still, I don't see this model and say wow.

In-Person Special Runs

The reveal party started with "Get This Party Started"! This pinto Connemara is only available to in-person attendees, but I don't mind it as it is not my cup of tea. It's a beautiful model but not something I would want to purchase.

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Nothing I said about the previous model applies to this one. We got the mare and foal set "Good Times and Great Friends," and unfortunately, it is only available in person. This set is amazing, and when I saw the images, I got very excited—until I saw the availability.

I am thinking of not getting anything during BreyerFest weekend and try for this set in the second-chance sale. I might get lucky and snag one. The gloss is amazing, and I would gladly pair them with Bolero to make a cute family.

In-Person / Online SR

The only online-available special run we have seen so far is "Let the Good Times Roll". It's a sooty buckskin leopard Appaloosa on the Show Jumping Warmblood mold. I really like this model, and I might include it in the top of my preference list.

For this Special Run there could be a loose/braided mane and tail split on this one or matte/glossy split (or even both).

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I believe that this year they will do many fun surprises with the models. There will most probably be micro runs and some very exciting variations. Breyer will continue to reveal more models in the upcoming weeks, and I will mention them here. Thank you for reading today's posts. Have a great week :)

Dogs, PC and Midas!

Published on 13 January 2025

Happy Monday! I haven't been that active lately regarding model horses because there are many things happening in my life. First of all, I got 2 puppies! My mum wanted a poodle, but I wanted a Dachshund, and we got both of them. They are very cute, but I have to watch them and take care of them. I named mine Pretzel, and here she is:

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Something I wanted to talk about but did not have the time for is the Premier Club. I was thinking of joining but decided not to in the end. This lineup is amazing, and I love all 3 models. The thing I like the most is the choice of braided/loose on Rowan and the matte/glossy choice on Cosimo. Moreover, the chance to get the micro-run gray Winnifred made me think about it a bit more.

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I finally found one of my top grails in Europe! I finally got Midas and I can't wait for him to arrive. I have been looking for one but did not want to spend a lot on shipping fees and customs. I also did not want to spend much money on models right now but when I saw Midas on eBay, I couldn't let him pass. The price was very reasonable too.

I will talk about the BreyerFest reveals we have in the next post (I already posted it)...

Christmas haul 2024

Published on 5 January 2025

Hello! Today, I’ll show you everything I got for Christmas! Some of these are models I purchased myself, while others were gifts from my family.

First of all, I finally got the Stablemate wooden display barn! I chose the older version with the white and blue colors. Instead of getting an advent calendar this year, I decided to open one horse every weekend in December. On the 24th, I opened the display barn! I love the Stablemates, but my favorite is this bay Valegro!

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Next on the list is the polo pony! I finally found one at an amazing price. I opened this model on Christmas Day instead of New Year’s, which is when we usually exchange gifts.

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The next horse is this Peter Stone MiniMe Blue Granite in Glossy, which is from the Equilocity event of 2006 and I think there were 50 made.

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Moving on, I got Ivy! I’ve wanted this model for a very long time, and when a seller from Germany listed one, I snagged it as fast as I could!

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Check out this amazing porcelain model that my cousin got for me in Vienna! She visited the Spanish Riding School shop just for me and picked out this stunning statue/model. It’s now proudly displayed in my model cabinet as it’s such a special piece in my collection.

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This year, my parents gave me Zafirah for the holidays, and I couldn’t be happier. It’s such a handsome model with incredible details. The face is especially cute!

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Last but not least, I finally unboxed Calista! I ordered her back in September but decided to open her on my name day (January 1st).

I hope you enjoyed my haul! I’ll talk more about each model in a future collection showcase. Have an amazing day :)

Happy New Year!

Published on 1 January 2025

Happy New Year! I hope 2025 will be perfect for everyone :)

2nd and Winter Medallions

Published on 31 December 2024

Welcome to the last post of 2024! At some point, I talked about my sculpting attempts, and I mentioned that I was working on another medallion. I finished it but forgot to show it to you! It’s the face of a horse. I wasn’t sure about it until I baked it! It turned out very cute, and I’m happy with how it came out in the end. This perspective was outside my comfort zone, but for the first time, I believe it’s not that bad.

The next horse is the Christmas/Winter special for 2024. It is a Fjord horse with a blanket! I was originally planning to make it with a background but then decided not to. I might create a complementary piece that will connect like a puzzle and say something like “Happy Holidays” or “2024.” I’m not sure yet.

EDIT: Before posting this, I actually made something that connects to the model! It includes a snowman, a tree, and the year 2024 on it.

I hope you like them as much as I do! See you in 2025 :)

Collection Showcase #7

Published on 28 December 2024

Hello Santa's little helpers! I decided to show you 3 Winter themed horses today! Two of these are some of my favorite models in my collection, and I believe you will love them as much as I do!

The first one is Astrid! I got this mare from da Vinci Creations in March 2023! Fjord horses have always been one of my favorite breeds, and I had to get Astrid. The glossy version was my top choice as it makes her color really pop. Her coat is called Grå, and she has a stripe down her back plus a star on her head!

Astrid was released in 2021 as part of the Premier Club. Members could choose between Matte or Glossy versions.

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The next horse is a stablemate Fjord I randomly have in my collection. It is from the Blind Bag Surprise Series 3.

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Last but not least, this is Neva!!! When he was released, I was amazed by the snowman markings. Unfortunately, I did not get him at the release, and then he sold out. In September 2023, a shop in Europe put some up for sale, and I quickly snatched one. When he arrived, I resisted the temptation to open him and waited until December 25th. It was incredibly difficult to have a model and not open it, but I managed, and it made Christmas feel even more special!!

Neva was the Winter Classic for 2022, and you could only get him directly from Breyer.

I hope you enjoyed today's Collection Showcase! Have a great day :)

2025 Releases (RR, Clubs)

Published on 26 December 2024

Hello! As you might have seen, Breyer has revealed some more 2025 Premier and Stablemate Club models. Moreover, someone leaked the regular run releases from the dealers' catalog. I am going to show them to you and, because there are many, I will only comment on those that made an impression on me (good or bad).


There are two new sets and a new unicorn mystery bag series! I don’t mind the jewels (deco set) or the unicorns, but the bigger set… OMG. I have been waiting for this Fjord forever! I love almost every horse, and I will buy it for sure!

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Anniversary Models

There are four anniversary models! Three are for Breyer’s 75th birthday, and they match my prediction for the molds they would use. We still have to see the other two, which will be in the mid-year releases. Regarding the silver horse, it is a commemorative model for the 85th anniversary of the American Quarter Horse Association.

I’m not a huge fan of any of these models, and I don’t know if I will end up getting one.

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Other Regular Runs

Breyer finally made a Big Lex model! I really like it, but even though it’s something that excites me, I don’t know if I want it in my collection. As you can see, there is another palomino mustang and a pony on last year’s Welsh Cob mold.

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Halloween, Holiday, and… A BULL REGULAR RUN!!

When I saw the images, I only focused on the horses, and the information that there is a longhorn bull did not register in my brain! When I realized it, I was shocked! I really want this model and can’t wait for it to be available here!

As for the Holiday horse, I love the mold they used (Flash) and the coat, but the costume is not my favorite. Regarding the Halloween one… I hate it. I have arachnophobia, and I just can’t see it. They used a mold I love, but the spider as a marking is just disappointing and disgusting to me. Of course, many people will disagree, but I’m not looking forward to seeing it everywhere in October.

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Premier Club

I did mention Roman in a previous post, but not only did they reveal his color, they revealed a mane/tail/breed variation! This is from Breyer’s website: “Members can choose between a hardy, loose-maned Highland Pony stallion or a sleek, braided British Riding Pony mare! Kelly spent many hours getting their details just right—from hardy conformation, an archetypal cresty neck, and a thick, full mane for our Highland, to a finer body, feminine expression, and perfect turnout for our British Riding Pony. Both are moving at the trot with strength and ease.” The last reveal is Cosimo, an Italian Murgese stallion sculpted by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig.

I don’t think Breyer has ever revealed all three models for the Premier Club. Rowan has to be my favorite, and if I joined, I would choose the braided version. I might be able to find one secondhand. All three Premier club models are amazing, and I would gladly join the club if it wasn’t so expensive.

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Stablemates Club

For this club, we got another compulsory to buy model and the special run for 2025. Alana is the black tobiano pinto Tennessee Walking Horse. Harbinger is the Pegasus! This is the groundbreaking model Breyer was talking about earlier, and I think it’s fabulous. Wings fit this mold extremely well!

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I saw this message from Triple Mountain and thought it would be good to share:

“We know everyone is excited, but keep in mind that the new releases will be available for a whole year, and there is no scarcity (other than if there's a Flagship model). Just as you're no longer excited about Morganquest Native Sun or Marc of Charm, this year's models will be around long after the excitement ebbs. I hope that will reduce the anxiety some collectors create for themselves around this time of year.”

Thank you for reading today’s post! Bye :)

Merry Christmas!

Published on 25 December 2024

Merry Christmas!!

I hope you have an amazing day with the people you love :)

Tannenbaum -2024 Holiday Surprise

Published on 23 December 2024

Hello! Exciting news: Breyer announced this year’s holiday surprise model, and it’s on the Fell Pony mold! The model, named Tannenbaum, comes in four colors: blue, red, green, and coal. It’s priced at $135, with a total run of 3,025 pieces, including just 24 in the rare coal color. I’m curious if the three “common” colors will have different run numbers. As much as I love the design, I decided to pass on this one, even though members get free shipping. Honestly, I might have been tempted to grab it if I hadn’t bought Ivy just five days ago!

Now that they finally revealed the last horse of 2024, I can finally make my top 5 releases list :)

My top 5 purchases (2024)

Published on 22 December 2024

Hi, collectors! As the year comes to an end, I wanted to share my top 5 purchases of 2024! With only 9 days left, I don’t anticipate adding any new models to my collection. However, if I do acquire a model that deserves a spot in my top 5, I’ll update the list. Deciding on these favorites was incredibly tough, but here’s my top 5 list:

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She was the Volunteer model in BreyerFest 2012 and there were only 150 made!

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Kirk was the 3rd release in the 2024 Vintage Club. The run number was 1000.

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70th Anniversary Fighting Stallion Glossy

This horse was part of the Collector Club Appreciation Event.

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San Domingo

He was a regular run in 2007-2008.

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This mare is a Premier Club model and was released in 2022.

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I will talk more about these models in the Collection Showcase series! Bye :)

Collection Showcase #6

Published on 19 December 2024

Hey Collectors! Welcome to Collection Showcase number 6!! Today I will show you 2 traditional horses and 1 classic that I have in my collection.

Starting off with a classic, I have a regular run on the Rearing Stallion mold, originally created in 1965 by Chris Hess. I chose this model because I’ve always liked the Traditional Fighting Stallion and I thought that the silver bay coat looks great on this mold. As I’m writing this, I just realized something! The Classic mold isn’t exactly the same as the Traditional! I always thought they just shrunk the Traditional mold, but it turns out they didn’t.

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The second horse is the Traditional Fighting Stallion, created in 1961 by Chris Hess. This stunning glossy chestnut pinto model was originally made for Breyer’s 70th Anniversary in 2020 and was later glossed for the Collector Club Appreciation Event!

I found this guy on eBay, and my parents got him for my 19th birthday. Breyer hasn’t published an official run number for this model, but while reading a list from the Boo Photo Show, I discovered that there might be fewer than 160 made, which is insane!

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The last model I’m going to show you is a more modern one, Adamek! He’s a gorgeous regular-run Akhal-Teke released in 2022. I’m including him here because I got him along with the Classic Rearing Stallion. What I love most about him is the mapping on his head. There aren’t many regular runs with that level of detail.

This mold is incredible and so dynamic. The only downside? It takes up a lot of space!

I hope you liked todays models! Byee :)

New models and Updates!

Published on 17 December 2024

Happy Tuesday! I’m so sorry that I haven't been very active lately, but there are many things happening in my life! I was in Prague, and when I came back, I had to complete an assignment for my uni. Then, I had show jumping competitions and yesterday, I also had a test for uni as well! As you can imagine, I haven’t had time to upload anything here even though there were some very interesting and exciting things happening regarding Breyer!

First of all, 2024 Premier and Stablemates Club members can purchase the last releases. For Premier, it’s Bandalero with the very cute laying foal bonus Stablemate, Enya. For Stablemates, members can purchase Augustus and the optional model Hadley and Holden that comes with a gambler's choice foal!

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Regarding the 2025 Stablemates Club, we got two more reveals for next year! On the left, we have Spencer, a very beautiful Appaloosa, and on the right is Javier, which will be a matte-glossy split!

I still don’t know if I will join the Stablemates Club. The reveals so far are okay, but except for Madonna, the others don’t excite me that much.

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WinterFest! Where is it, though? Breyer last year introduced a new holiday event that took place online in December. It wasn’t big or anything, but it was very fun, and I personally really enjoyed it. There were workshops, two special runs, and my personal favorite was the broadcast. It was cozy to watch it during the Christmas break, and I was looking forward to it this year as well! This was not the case… My theory is that it wasn’t very profitable, as the special runs both showed up this year in Breyer’s online store. Even though there won’t be any WinterFest this year (probably), I really hope they will offer us a broadcast.

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We finally got the winter decoration for 2024, but with a twist! In previous years, this model was offered for purchase to the lucky Collector Club members who got picked in a draw. This year, they decided to let everyone get it, meaning Courchevel is available to all members. It is a first-come, first-serve model. The run number is unknown, which is why there is some disappointment among collectors, as they believe that the $155 price tag is very high if the run number is large (making it a bit less limited). On the other hand, the shipping is free, but this doesn’t apply to international members like me.

I can’t hide that I’m very dissatisfied with Breyer, as I believe they should not include free shipping in the price if it doesn’t apply to international collectors too! It’s very unfair for us to have to pay extra for a model’s price that includes shipping to the US and then have to pay extra for international shipping.

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Enough negativity! Yesterday, Breyer announced another sculpture for the Premier Club next year. This is Rowan, "a delightful Highland Pony stallion sculpted by Kelly Sealey of the United Kingdom. Kelly spent many hours getting his details just right—from his hardy conformation to his delightful personality. His archetypal cresty neck sports a thick, full mane, and he's moving at the trot with strength and ease."

I really like this mold, and I can't wait to see the final piece!!

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This is my horse! He is in the competition facility stable, and I think he looked very sweet. We entered the 1.10 class on Thursday so he could get used to the indoor arena that hosted the event, and on Saturday, we jumped the 1.15-1.20 course!

Last but not least, I finally found a Polo pony in a good price here in Europe. I have some other models waiting to be opened as well, but I will wait until Christmas or new year to free them. I will show them to you later!!

Have a nice day, everyone! :)

75th Anniversary Lonesome Glory

Published on 8 December 2024

Hello or Ahoj in Czech (I’m currently in Prague!!). Horse Lover from the Breyer Forums posted a photo that she found on the latest Young Rider magazine!

It appears that the spots are tiny horses, which I find very cool! I can’t wait to see the other 4 models! Sbohem (Bye) :)

A little bit of everything

Published on 1 December 2024

Hi everyone! In Tuesday, I visited Germany for three days! It wasn’t a "for fun" trip but rather for my parents' work. Still, I had an amazing time exploring the cities of Nuremberg and Munich. There were Christmas markets with Glühwein and hot cocoa, which made the experience even more better. I’m thinking I should really start posting about the places I’ve visited. Here are some pictures I took:

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Regarding Breyer, while I was there, they announced a second Black Friday sale. I was a bit nervous since I’d be out when the sale happened. As I mentioned before, I really wanted to get Reykjavik and hoped there’d be a chance for him to go on sale. When the sale started and the new products appeared, I quickly scanned the listings but didn’t see him. However, Peregrine caught my eye! I didn’t want to spend money unless it was for Reykjavik, though. Even if I had wanted Peregrine, I probably wouldn’t have been fast enough as he sold out in one minute! These were all the models available:

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We also got another sneak peak on one of the releases of the Stablemates Club for next year. This is Mercutio and he is on the mini Othello mold!

I really like his color and the gloss makes him look just amazing. I really want to see all the other releases and maybe I will join the sm club?? Idk...

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November's Sneak Peak

As always, Collector Club members received a sneak peek of an upcoming model. This month, members were shown this:

I believe this will be this year’s holiday web special. Some people think it might be one of the Christmas surprise models, but I doubt it. Why would they reveal it so early?

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If you’ve checked out my mini-game, you’ll notice there are new models to catch! Feel free to recommend more horses for me to add, but make sure their images have a transparent background. I’ve also updated the search engine in Stable Stories, so you can now search for whatever you want. Plus, I added a "go to the top of the page" button to make navigation easier!

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While in Nuremberg, I visited a store with metal figurines, and when I found the horses, they looked so familiar. It turns out they were copies of Breyer Stablemates models! I ended up buying one because it looked so cool.

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The last thing I wanted to mention is that my Just About Horses magazine arrived! I honestly thought I wouldn’t receive it or that it might get lost, but I was wrong. When I returned from my trip to Germany, I found it sitting on the kitchen table!

I still can’t believe it’s already December. It’s time for the Advent calendars! I didn’t get myself one this year, but a kind lady at a train station in Nuremberg gave some mini chocolate ones to everyone, and I ended up getting one! Now, I have something to open every day. I hope you enjoyed this post! Have a nice day :)

Horse Shoe Menu

Published on 25 November 2024

Hello! I just made another change to the website! It's time to present you the Horse Shoe Menu!You can easily find it in the top menu under “HS Menu”. This new page is designed to gather key information and useful links all in one convenient place, so you no longer have to search for them across the site. Here’s what you can access right now through the HS Menu:

I hope you like it better! Byee :)

Earl(y) Black Friday

Published on 24 November 2024

Happy Sunday! As you might have heard or seen, Breyer held their early access Black Friday sale for Collector Club members. As always, there were some very exciting models that of course, sold out fast. I was really hoping there would be a Reykjavík, as he's one of my grails, but unfortunately, he wasn’t included. By the time I even got a chance to check out all the models, some had already sold out within two minutes! I was interested in Elsa, the cow, because she’s extremely pretty, but I ultimately decided not to try for her. Another model I could have gotten is Cooper but I can find him second hand in better price!

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Later in Friday CC members received an email saying that they could enter for the chance to buy this years animal web spceial: "Earl is an eye-catching spotted blue roan bull with a highly-detailed white pattern and a star on his forehead. His roan shading is dramatic and intricate!". He is limited to 1000 pieces and will cost $150.

I think this guy looks very cool! I don't know if I would like him in my collection but if I get chosen ,I might decide to buy him.

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Last week, I visited a hobby store near my house that I knew carried some Breyer Stablemates. (It’s the same store but different location, that I found my first stablemates). As soon as I walked in, I headed straight to the section where I had previously found the Stablemates. On my way there, I was thrilled to discover an entire area dedicated to Breyer horses! While there weren’t any Traditional Breyers, I was excited to find some Stablemates sets that I’ll be featuring in an upcoming collection showcase. The most exciting discovery, though, was the Breyer Animal Collector's Guide!!

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Ckeck out this amazing Peter Stone OOAK "Sleeper Agent" by Kylee Parks! He is currently available in best offers (auction).

Thank you for reading today's post! Byee :)

Share my website!

Published on 22 November 2024

Hello! I am very happy with how my website has turned out and I would love to share it with many collectors. It would be amazing if you could help me with that. If you can, please share the following text and image :)

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Billakos Model Horses ( is an free website that host a model horse related blog! These are some things you can find/do there:

I have many plans for the feature including Giveaways, Online model horse shows. Email me at if you want to subscribe to my mailing list (I will send an email 1-2 times a month with some updates! I hope to see you around at :)

Catch the Horses mini game!

Published on 20 November 2024

Hi! I finally made a model horse related mini game. It is very simple: You have to move the shopping bags in order to catch the model horses. If you fail 5 times the game will stop. You will find more information there!

To enter it just go to the Home page or click here:

Catch the Horses mini game

I might add different models in the future or change the backround. It was very hard for me to create this game and it might not run perfectly. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Have fun catching horses :)

Paddock Chat Information

Published on 19 November 2024

Welcome to the Paddock Chat!! This is an open chat area where people can talk about model horses or anything they want! It won’t be open all the time and will close at certain periods. I’ll likely create a schedule, but for now, it will be random. It could be open for a weekend, a month, or who knows how long! (No one knows lol). Although this chat can be a lot of fun, it’s not the most advanced, and unfortunately, you can’t edit or delete posts. If you need to do so, please contact me via email at Be sure to use the same username when you leave a message so others can identify you! Please be kind and respectful to the other chatters. While it’s possible no one will join the conversation, I’m determined to create a fun community of model horse lovers. I will be announcing the dates in the Stable Stories and I will send an email to those who subscribed in the mailing list. Right now it is open until 30 November 2024

To enter it just go to the Home page or click here:

Paddock Chat

Have fun!

BreyerMidwest horse

Published on 18 November 2024

Breyer has unveiled next year's BreyerMidwest horse! The featured model is a glossy version of WGC Marc of Charm and it comes with a Certificate of Authenticity. He’s priced at $175 and can be purchased online, but you will need to attend the event to pick him up in person.

Interestingly, this model will be packaged in bubble wrap instead of the latest paper protection. Could this mean a shift in their packaging approach?

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The website link has changed! I have been wanting to make it .com since the beggining and finally I did it!! As always, Happy Collecting :)


Published on 16 November 2024

Happy Saturday! This week has been a bit rainy here in Greece, making the weather feel so cozy and chill. Fortunately, thanks to a "holiday" (more like a protest holiday), I didn’t have to attend university, so I got to relax without worrying about classes.

Yesterday, Breyer opened the Vintage Club memberships, and I’m still surprised to see that, as of now (1 day and 6 hours later), they haven’t sold out yet. The likely reason is the increase in membership slots from 1,000 to 1,200. I was planning to join, but I ended up debating with myself whether it was worth it or not. In the end, I decided not to because the cost is quite high, and reselling the releases at cost or finding someone to take over my spot might be difficult. I really don’t want to take the risk since getting a release I don’t like could cost me over $250, which is a significant amount of money. Maybe I’ll consider joining the Stablemates Club instead, but I’ll wait to see the full lineup first (last year, they revealed all the models before the memberships closed).

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Peter Stone has started collaborating with various artists to create unique pieces for their best offers. This time, they invited Kylee Parks from Studio Thornrose to create a Poitou Donkey named Existential Dreads. She used the mule mold and transformed it into a detailed, adorable, hairy donkey with intricate coat details! If you’re interested in getting it, be prepared for the price! It’s already at $5,920 with 4 more days to go...

Enjoy your weekend!

Sculpting attempts

Published on 15 November 2024

Hello! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I'm going to share all my attempts at creating a model horse. I'm not exactly an artist, so you can imagine how things turned out! First, I downloaded Blender, a computer program for 3D design and sculpting. My first attempt at a horse was more of a strange creature that reminded me of a hippo. Unfortunately, I don’t have that one anymore, so I can’t show it to you.


Lyon was my second horse that was created in the free version of ZBrush, and he turned out a bit more successful than my previous attempt. Once I finished sculpting him, I tried animating him! Although he still looked a bit odd, I was thrilled to have created something on my own. Later, I decided to give him a pose. Since two of his legs were lifted, I had to make a stand for support, and here’s the final result:

"Summer horse"

I started making this horse way after finishing the best model horse in the world, Lyon. I think I made the head in ZBrush but because of the free version, I had to limit the details and I decided to make the body in blender. The reason why I call it summer horse is because I started it in July/August 2023 and I never gave it a proper name. Here are some pictures of the process:

Icelandic Horse

In January 2024, I had an idea to start a new 3D horse model, but this time I wanted to create it in a posed position from the beginning. I chose to make a tölting Icelandic horse since I love them so much. As usual, I didn’t quite get around to finishing it, but here’s what I’ve done so far:

It wasn’t the worst start, but by this point, I realized I couldn’t do much with my current laptop. It’s a bit old and struggles to keep up, making it almost impossible to work smoothly with such a demanding program.

Other sculpting tries

Over the years, I’ve also tried my hand at traditional sculpting, though I hadn’t researched the types of clay available. I experimented with regular clay, but I quickly learned that it’s tough to work with especially for a beginner like me. Here’s an attempt where I resculpted the tail and hooves for this horse:


After feeling pretty disappointed with my model horse attempts, I decided to try something simpler like a medallion. Thinking it would be easier, I went for regular clay again, but I ran into the same problems. Then, I switched to polymer clay, and most of my issues vanished! Polymer clay was a game changer, it didn’t make a mess, it didn’t break or crack, and since it only hardens after baking, I could set it aside for days and still rework it. This made it much easier to add details, and that shows in the final product. It may not be the most beautiful horse, but I’m confident that with practice, I can keep improving and create even better ones (I have already started my second one).

On the right it's the normal clay attempt and on the left the polymer clay one!

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My current plan is to keep making more medallions until I feel ready to start a 3D horse model again (with clay). I’d also love to make a silicone mold so I can offer them to offer to collectors, but that’s something I’ll focus on in the future. I hope you enjoyed today’s post, and I look forward to seeing you in the next one! Byee :)

Freshly Baked Stablemates

Published on 12 November 2024

These are the Holiday stablemates for 2024!

To be honest I thought that they would be all gingerbread themed but they are not. My two favourites are the ones on the bottom. Unfortunately I will not be getting any of those because they will cost me a lot to get them here but I will be very interested to see videos or photos of them :)

Gingerbread horses!

Published on 11 November 2024

Breyer sent this email today:

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“On Tuesday, November 12th, on or around 1pm EST, Collector Club members get exclusive first access to our 2024 Holiday Blind Bags!

The "Freshly Baked" collection features four sweet Stablemates models that are sure to remind you of the holidays!

Limited to 2 per order/Collector Club account. Any models available after the early access window closes will be offered to everyone on Wednesday, November 13th.

Bags will ship randomly, so which one you receive will be a delicious surprise!”

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I’m very excited to see how they will look like! I will post them as soon as I see the pictures of them!

Small updates

Published on 10 November 2024

Happy Sunday! As I said in a previous blogpost, I was thinking of joining the Vintage club this year but at this point I don't know... The prices went up ($160-185) because Breyer included the shipping cost ,but to me that is not the case. Being international means that I will have to pay approximately $60-65 for shipping plus custom fees and the total to get all the 4 releases will be around $1000. Of course I can give my spot to someone else for the ones I don't want but I don't know if it is worth it. The same happened to the other 2 clubs but I was not interested in those.

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I finally joined the deluxe collector club for 2025 and I’m so happy about that!!

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Take a look at my first ever medallion! I know that it is not the most amazing one but I believe that with some practice I will become a lot better and create beautiful pieces :)

Before and after the oven

The reason behind why it is sparkly is because my dad bought me this clay that had sparkles in it and when I baked it, they grew ,lol

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This PeterStone was offered some weeks ago in best offers and I was so amazed by it that I have to show it to you!

Thank you for reading todays post! I made a script that allows me to turn text into html code to save time and this is the first post that I’m using it. See you soon :)

JAH reveals and Clubs

Published on 7 November 2024

Yesterday, some people received their JAH magazine, and it contained some really exciting information! The part that got me most excited and a bit stressed was the Vintage Club release! One of the 2025 releases will be a clock horse (Pioneer), which is something I really want for my collection. I’m determined not to miss out on joining this club this year and will do my best to secure a spot.

Additionally, there was information about five releases scheduled for next year and I have some thoughts about them. Read this and you will understand what I mean:

My theory is that the molds they’re talking about are the ones shown on the 75th anniversary blanket! These molds are supposed to have an anniversary in 2025. These are the molds that are shown in the blanket and their anniversary:

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The Premier Club and Stablemate Club are now open, but I don’t have a lot of details on them yet. The releases I’ve seen are still the same (The mule and the Stablemate Arabian that I posted on 19 October), but I’ve heard that prices have gone up (I think for the Premier Club each model be $195, and for the Stablemate Club $30, with free shipping for US members). International members, however, might have to pay extra, making it quite expensive, so joining these clubs might not be worth it. The Stablemate Club does have an international option, though I don’t have any details on it yet because Breyer doesn’t allow viewing more information about the clubs without a 2025 Collector Club membership. Another issue with the free shipping is that you can’t add a small Stablemate or other items to have the model shipped in a larger box for extra security. I didn’t want to sound negative, but I’m really concerned that these changes could make it hard for many international collectors to join the specialty clubs, and maybe I won’t be able to join the Vintage Club.

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The Premier Club 2024 extra Stablemate was revealed in the JAH magazine, and it’s the cutest thing ever! It’s a 50/50 matte-glossy split, and its name is Enya. I love this sculpture and hope I can get one soon!

Last weekend PeterStone offered some OOAKS as usual and one of them was probably one of the most beautiful horses I have ever seen! I will post about it soon. Have a great day :)

Collection Showcase #5

Published on 4 November 2024

Welcome back to another collection showcase! Today, I have two models to share that I got from Austria, the land with no kangaroos!! There's a funny story behind how I got them. During my last year of high school, instead of studying for exams, I found myself browsing eBay for plastic ponies. That’s when I came across a seller offering both Starlight and Glossy Benelli for not that much. I couldn't decide which one I wanted more (both had the same price), but in the end, I chose Starlight.

She arrived about a week after I placed the order, and the seller included a sweet little note saying thank you, which made me really happy. I showed it to my dad, and he got so excited that he asked if the seller had anything else I wanted. I showed him Benelli, and he told me to go ahead and get it! My mom helped me with the purchase since I was still a minor and didn’t have my own card at the time.

The following week, when Benelli was due to arrive, I skipped school so I could be home to open him. (My excuse for skipping? Studying!) When he finally came, I recorded a hilarious unboxing video to send to my friend who was stuck at school-lol.

Starlight was released in 2020 as part of the vintage club. She was limited to 500 pieces and mine has the number 278/500 making her one of my most limited Breyers I have.

Benelli was a limited edition horse in the 2020 Breyerfest Celtic Fling that was held online due to quarantine. To get him in glossy you had to preorder him and he was limited to 2675 pieces.

Día de los Muertos

Published on 2 November 2024

Today is Día de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead, a beautiful Mexican holiday that honors and remembers loved ones who have passed away. Last year, I was incredibly privileged to visit Mexico and experience this profound tradition firsthand. Día de los Muertos is celebrated with vibrant colors, elaborate altars (known as ofrendas), and a joyful remembrance of those who have passed. Families come together to create these ofrendas, which are decorated with photos, marigold flowers, candles, and favorite foods of their loved ones, inviting the spirits to visit and celebrate together. It’s a time to remember with joy rather than mourn with sadness, believing that the spirits of those we’ve lost are closer to us than ever on this special day. If you’ve seen the movie Coco, you may already have a good sense of what Día de los Muertos is all about.

Here are some pictures I took while I was there!

Both Breyer and Peter Stone have made horses based on this tradition. For example, Breyer’s Halloween horse in 2017 Calavera and its mini version that came in 2019 are based on the colors and design that are used that day. Moreover, while I was there last year, Stone horses offered this OOAK in best offers!

Feliz día de los Muertos :)

October’s sneak peak

Published on 31 October 2024

Breyer sent out this month’s newsletter to the collector club members and there was a sneak peak in it!

I don’t know what this could be… Maybe it’s a vintage or stablemates club release. Maybe it’s not. The colors remind me of Madonna (SM club 2025 release) but without the fleabitten dots. We have to wait to find out! Byeee :)

Happy Halloween

Published on 31 October 2024

Trick or Treat?

For this day, I found some very beautiful models that fit the Halloween theme perfectly!

This Peter Stone OOAK was offered last year.

Frankenstein was the centrepiece in Velvet rope event in 2008!

And of course Frankenstang or Frankenstein is the mini version of it!

This is another PS OOAK from 2020.

This stunning custom was made by lori1looft49!

Frankensteed was a lone star experience event special run!

Have fun today in whatever you do! Happy Halloween!

BF 2025 Celebration horse!

Published on 30 October 2024

Breyer finally announced the Breyerfest Celebration horse for 2025! It is a gorgeous fleabitten gray and has the name Tight Lines aka Phish. There is also a very nice blanket that comes with the horse! Here is a link to the YouTube video that shows the real horse and it’s story:

The way that the rider talks about Phish is very moving and shows the love and gratefulness for him :)

Small Updates!

Published on 29 October 2024

Hello, everyone! Today I’ll cover a few topics, including Breyer releases, a parcel I’m expecting, a project I’m working on and some other stuff.

Starting with the Breyer releases, they finally announced the optional release for the Vintage Club, and this year it’s a bit different. Instead of a Traditional scale horse as they usually do, they decided to make a stablemate set of 5 featuring both vintage and modern molds in some older colorways. I have to say that the price tag of $145 plus shipping and handling seems high to me. If we break it down, it’s approximately $30 per stablemate. The good news for some, is that it’s optional, so if you don’t agree with the price, you can simply opt out. Another thing I noticed is that there was no Classic scale model for the club this year, which I thought was a standard feature.

Two other models that appeared on a webshop some days ago are two decorators. The first one is Radiance, which is Breyer’s 75th Anniversary horse. Its mold is the classic Arabian mare, released in 2024. The next one is a camo horse, believed to be the 2025 Hope Horse, named Aspire.

I’m not a huge fan of either of these horses. Out of the two, I prefer Radiance because I’ve never liked camo colors.

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A few days ago, I found a sale ad featuring some very interesting horses, including a volunteer model! The best part was that I really liked it, and it was located in Netherlands, so I wouldn’t have to spend a fortune on shipping and customs or wait too long! The model I’m talking about is the 2012 Breyerfest Volunteer model, Keighley. I’m very excited to add this horse to my collection, but I might have to wait until the 8th of November to unbox her (it’s my second name day because I have two names and wanted to give myself a gift).

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I’ve started another sculpting project, and I have to say, I’m not very good at it (lol). I’ve tried many times to make a 3D horse but have failed so far. Well, I might get better with practice but idk. I’ll make a post about my attempts in the future, but this is the current one (my best so far because it's a medalion).

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I don’t know if you saw, but I made myself a logo! This is the original version and the Halloween themed one. The horse was drawn by me a few years ago, and I thought it would fit perfectly with the blog/website theme.

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Last but not least, the Breyerfest 2025 Celebration Horse will be revealed THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you all have a wonderful day :)

Deluxe CC Pin 2025

Published on 25 October 2024

This is the extra pin that will come with the deluxe collector club membership!The horse on it is Maddox.

I really like it!

Breyer Midwest and Mangoky!

Published on 21 October 2024

Hello everyone! Today, Breyer made an announcement about BreyerWest. Many people had been anticipating this change, especially since last year's Denver Rocky Mountain Horse Expo was noticeably under attended. This likely influenced Breyer's decision to relocate the event. Instead of hosting it in Denver, Colorado, this year’s event will take place at EquiFest in Salina, Kansas. Since this location isn’t technically in the West, they’ve also decided to rebrand the event and BreyerWest is now BreyerMidwest! The event is scheduled for March 21-23, 2025.

Furthermore, Collector Club members received an email today with the opportunity to enter for the latest model in the Wild Animal Series, named Mangoky. This model is inspired by the Madagascar lemur and the mold used is Valegro, which I think is a brilliant choice. The price is $185, and it will be limited to 750 pieces. If you're a member, you have until October 23 at 11:59 PM EDT to enter.

Who wouldn’t want King Julian in their collection?

Have an amazing day :)

Will the Ideal Series end soon?

Published on 21 October 2024

There is a theory circulating that the Orren Mixer's Ideal series might be coming to an end soon. When Breyer first launched the Ideal series, they informed dealers that they planned to conclude the collection with a buckskin horse (they might changed their mind since then). In the latest Holiday catalog that breyer gave out, a buckskin horse on the Geronimo mold appeared (the same mold used for the other horses in the series, with the exception of the pony). This could potentially be the final horse in the series or perhaps a new portrait horse. Alternatively, it might simply be an OOAK from Breyer's archives, used to showcase the western tack set in the advertisement.

Thanks for reading :)

Breyer 2025 Clubs so far!

Published on 19 October 2024

This post might be a bit early, and I’ll likely make another one when we get more details about the three specialty clubs. So far, Breyer has only announced the Collector Club.

This year looks very exciting just for being in the Collector Club. It appears that there will be another club event, plus a new store exclusively for members to purchase Collector Club merchandise and models. This is a new feature for this year, and we’ll have to wait and see what exactly this store will offer. Additionally, as always, they’ve revealed the first special run, which is Maddox. It is a stunning dapple gray on the Akhal-Teke mold. Some familiar benefits remain unchanged, such as the 10% discount, access to other clubs, workshops, exclusive blogs, and a copy of the JAH magazine (I still haven’t received mine).

As for the Deluxe Collector Club, I was right about the mini version of a popular mold, but I never expected there would be two Stablemates! This year, they’ve scaled down the Semi-Rearing Mustang, and members will receive Darius, a Bay Appaloosa, along with an extra Stablemate of the same mold in a random color. Here are the four possible colors:

My favorite is the Wedgewood (solid blue), but I wouldn’t mind getting any of the other options! Along with these Stablemates that ship for free (yay!), you also get a pin featuring Maddox.


The pricing has increased again this year. I believe the club cost $25 in 2023, went up to $30 in 2024, and now it’s $35. The Deluxe option was $65 last year and is now $85 ($70 and $90 respectively for international memberships). If you want to join for the rest of 2024, it’s an additional $10 for each membership. In my opinion, the price increase for the Deluxe option makes sense because it includes an extra Stablemate but the increase in the regular membership fee without any additional Stablemate or pin seems a bit unfair.

I will probably join the Deluxe Collector Club again this year as I really like the Stablemates and will probably also like the pin!

Premier, Stablemates and Vintage club

Yesterday, someone shared a photo in a Facebook group that shows one release for the 2025 Premier Club and one for the Stablemates Club. I also noticed that the Vintage Club will have 1,200 members this year, which is 200 more than before.

I was right about the Premier Club too! I expected a new mule mold, and here it is! This makes joining the club very tempting, but I don’t think I will. The second horse in the image is a beautiful Arabian mare with blood marks. Initially, this model looked familiar, and I wasn’t sure if it was new or not. Then I saw a post from, which explained that Hagen-Renaker allowed Breyer to scale down one of their models.

We’ll have to wait a few more days until Breyer shares more information about the clubs and their pricing. We’ll probably see every release from the Stablemate Club, at least one from the Vintage Club, and maybe another Premier Club mold without its coloring before the end of the year, as they did last time.

Have a great rest of your weekend!

A few Breyer Updates

Published on 19 October 2024

Happy weekend everyone! Today's post is going to be a bit long, as Breyer announced several things that I’ll cover them all here!

First, Breyer has released this year's holiday Mare and Foal set. Freya & Annika come packaged in a beautiful bag that includes an extra ornament in their colors, which I find very cute and amazing. When I saw this set, I considered buying it because they are not unicorns or decorators like last years. If I make another purchase from Breyer's website, I might add them to my cart. Another release is this year's classic winter decorator named Nor'easter. To be honest, I’m not a big fan of it. I’m quite picky when it comes to decorators, and this one doesn’t look like a model I’d add to my collection. Of course, they also released some holiday merchandise, such as hoodies, mugs, pillows, etc., but the item that caught my attention the most is a throw blanket that features the cover of Breyer's 1963 catalog. They also made 3 holiday blankets that are shipped randomly, but my favourite has to be the bottom one...

Next year is the 75th anniversary and they of course added some merchandise items for this occasion. This includes some clothing items, a pin, a mug, and two blankets for traditional horses.

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Now, here are some other interesting updates that I’ll go through quickly:

1. Breyer has announced the list of models that will be retired by the end of 2024, which you can check out here.

2. Yesterday, Collector Club members had the chance to get a free glossy regular run model with the Collector Club appreciation offer, but it sold out within 2 hours.

3. Today is the National Fun Day, which includes online workshops open to everyone! You can find more information about that here.

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Lastly, the Collector Club membership for 2025 has opened, and there are some exciting stuff about it. Plus, I just saw a post featuring one Premier Club model and a release for the Stablemate Club (I’m not entirely sure if this mold is new or not). I’ll make another post later today or tomorrow to dive into those details!!

As always thank you so much for reading this! See you in the next one very soon :)

Collection Showcase #4

Published on 15 October 2024

October means Oktoberfest! (This post was intended to go up earlier in the month, but I forgot.) What better way to celebrate than by showing you some of the Breyerfest 2022 models, as the theme was Prost!


Nikolas was the celebration model for that year. He was sculpted by Bridgette Eberl, and the first release of the mold was actually on him! As you might know, I got my first Breyer Traditional horse at the beginning of 2022, so that was the first year I wanted to join Breyerfest. I bought an online Traditional Access ticket, which came with Nikolas. I remember watching this video and getting very excited. During BreyerFest, I didn't get any other model except Nikolas, but when he finally arrived all the way from the US, I was very impressed! According to the IDYB page, 12.354 of these were made.


Brahms was a present from my parents for my 18th birthday! He was a special run for that year, but I got him from a shop in Europe the next year (instead of during BreyerFest). I really liked the Big Ben mold, and I've always loved leopard Appaloosa horses, which made this particular model really stand out to me, especially in the glossy finish. The run number is 2.200.


I got this horse during BreyerFest 2024, two years after its release! To be honest, I never considered getting this horse until I saw him in the background of a video. The real horse is very beautiful, and I think Breyer did an amazing job creating its portrait model (the Idocus mold fits perfectly). Both online and in-person BreyerFest attendees could get him in the store. Chablis is a limited edition with 3.000 pieces made. Sadly, mine doesn't have many dapples, but it was the one I could find at a reasonable price, so I don't mind that much.

Thank you all for reading this Collection Showcase edition! Have a nice day :)

Hot Cocoa

Published on 10 October 2024

Hello everyone! Do you remember this sneak peak?

It was in fact this year’s pony for Christmas! It’s really frustrating that whenever I purchase something from Breyer’s website and pay a small fortune on shipping, the next day they release something amazing like this pony! I’m not sure if I will get it but I love it! Hot cocoa is such a cozy theme and the blanket is very beautiful!

I don’t know if anyone reads my blog but if you do please read this: I've been feeling really low these past few days, knowing that I’ll soon have to say goodbye to my beloved grandma. It's such a difficult time right now, and I’m struggling to find any motivation to write or do much of anything. I’m sorry if I don’t post for a while (I have 2 posts that are ready and will probably use those instead of nothing).

2025 Clubs speculations

Published on 6 October 2024

Happy Sunday! It’s finally October, the time of year when Breyer typically announces next year’s clubs! I’ve been thinking about what they might do for 2025, and I wanted to share my speculations and ideas with you.

Collector Club

For the Collector’s Club I have no idea on what they could do. The only thing I can think of is that they might feature vintage molds/colorways. As for the exclusive Stablemate for the deluxe membership, my guess is that it will be a miniaturized version of a popular traditional mold but that is not unique as they have done that before.

Stablemates Club

About the Stablemates Club, I believe they’ll continue shrinking popular molds from different decades. There are typically six releases (plus one optional model), and I expect each to represent a horse from a particular era, ending with a brand-new, modern sculpture as they do every year. They could scale down some beloved molds from previous decades that collectors have been eager to see as Stablemates. Imagine a mini Ethereal!!

Premier Club

I have two ideas for the Premier Club next year. The first is that Breyer could introduce new sculptures people have been asking for, such as a Friesian, a donkey, or even a mule. The second idea seems a lot unlikely to happen but they could bring back sculptors from the past who created iconic molds. They could remake their original works in a modern style. While it’s more likely that Breyer would hire newer sculptors to do this, having the original artists return would make the molds extremely special and iconic.

Vintage Club

Next year’s Vintage Club is going to be interesting, especially with Breyer celebrating its 75th anniversary. Typically, each release in this club honors Breyer’s history, but I think for such a milestone, they’ll do something truly exciting and different. While I can’t pinpoint exactly what, I believe Breyer will surprise everyone with something unique to mark this important occasion.

All in all, I’m really interested to see what next year will bring. It’s definitely going to be fun! Have a nice rest of the day :)

Collection Showcase #3

Published on 3 October 2024

Happy Spooktober! Today, I will be showing you one model from each of Peter Stone’s scales!

First, we have an adorable Chip horse on the Quarter Horse mold. I acquired this model from a Stablemate lot, and unfortunately, I don’t have much information on when it was produced or how limited it is.

Next is the Pebbles scale! I found this beautiful Warmblood at a great price, and I couldn’t resist buying it. I believe it was a regular run in the early 2000s, but I’m not completely sure.

The last and largest scale is the Stone (1:9). I have two Stone horses, and today I’ll show you Cutter. He’s on the ISH (Ideal Stock Horse) mold, and he was a regular run released in 2002.

Thank you for reading this post!

September's CC sneak peak

Published on 30 September 2024

Happy Monday! Breyer teased an upcoming release that will be revealed next month. I’m not sure what the horse will be, but I have a feeling it could be a web special or the Christmas pony for this year, though I could be totally wrong!

If you are a collector club member don't forget to enter the giveaway to win Calista!!

Have a nice week :)

Breyer Club releases

Published on 24 September 2024

Hi everyone! Breyer released even more horses today.

The first one is the 4th Vintage Club release: "Outlaw", a gambler's choice on the Buckshot mold. These are the 3 colors:

My favorite is the blanket Appaloosa, but I would be happy with either the buckskin or paint. Sadly, I’m not in the Vintage Club this year, but I hope I can join next year.

This year's Vintage Club bonus stablemate is Felix, and it comes inside the box with Outlaw.

Horatio is here! Many Collector Club members who chose the Deluxe subscription can order the bonus stablemate and pin free of charge. I’m so happy I don’t have to pay for shipping!

I’m not sure why they didn’t announce him 5 days earlier (when Antonia was released) so that people who wanted Antonia could add Horatio to their order and not have to make a separate one. To me, that would’ve been better since I wouldn’t have to wait for two parcels.

In other news, I managed to find Calista from a shop in England!

Collection Showcase #2

Published on 22 September 2024

In the first collection showcase I showed you my first model horse and my first Breyer stablemates. Today I will introduce you to the first 2 traditional horses I ever got.

My first Traditionals were a New Year's gift in 2022. In Greece, many families don’t open gifts on December 25th but wait until January 1st, after the new year begins. That’s when I opened mine, and the first traditional horse I saw was Catch Me! I was completely shocked at how big he was. I wasn’t expecting a plastic horse to be that large, since I was only used to Schleichs and Stablemates. Then I opened Theo, the horse I had been most excited about. Owning a Traditional horse was something I had wanted for a long time. In 2020, I discovered the hobby and Breyer horses, and I really wanted to be part of it. Unfortunately, being in Europe meant I had to spend a lot to get them from the US, so I gave up on the idea for a while. Before Christmas in 2021, my dad asked me what I wanted for the holidays, and I mentioned that a Breyer horse would be amazing, but I couldn’t find any in Europe. Later that day, he easily found a store in Germany that sold them (I felt pretty silly for not finding it myself!) and told me to pick two. For my first models, I chose Theo, whom I adored, and I specifically wanted a sport or warmblood horse to start with so I chose Catch Me.

Catch me was released in 2019 and he is a regular run model.

Theo was released in 2021 and he is also a regular run model.

Holiday 2024 Playset

Published on 20 September 2024

I found a picture of this years holiday pony playset! It is called "Holiday Pijama Party" and the price will be $60.

This theme is really cute! The blanket matches perfectly with the red halter and the teddy bear is the very cute. Sadly I am not a doll fan and that is probably the reason why I don't have any playset from Breyer yet. However I really like the doll's clothes as they fit with the horse's tack!


Published on 19 September 2024

I ended up getting Antonia and because she was $65, I also got Norwich without exceeding the $100 for the shipping (if it’s more than $100 the shipping cost gets higher).

Now I have to wait for around 3-4 weeks but I am really happy I got these two horses!

New releases!

Published on 18 September 2024

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today, Breyer announced three new models, and I'd like to share my thoughts on them. Starting off we have my least favourite which is a decorator on the newsworthy mold.

This pony was teased in the August Collector’s Club newsletter, and now it's finally been fully revealed. Zulu is a limited edition available for purchase on Breyer's website and in retail stores. While I think the color and the gloss is pretty cool, I generally don't collect decorator models unless I'm absolutely in love with one (like I was with Neva). For that reason, I don’t think I’ll be adding Zulu to my collection.

Next, we have Calista. When I first saw this horse, I hoped she’d be a regular run because I absolutely love her. The chestnut coat looks stunning on this mold but unfortunately for me, she’s a brick and mortar special run, meaning I can’t get her at retail price and will likely have to buy her from a reseller. The same happened with Kendall but thankfully I found one new in box in Germany!

Lastly, Breyer sent an email to Collector’s Club members about Antonia. She was first revealed during BreyerFest, but tomorrow, September 19, at 1:00pm EDT, she will go on sale. While I really like her, I’m still undecided about whether to purchase her or not. I might wait to see her price and if something else from the website exclusives catches my eye to help me decide. There is always the option to opt out and save money for another model!

Thank you for reading that. If anyone wants to sell a Calista at cost and ship her to Europe please let me know.

My model horse plans

Published on 14 September 2024

Happy Saturday! Today I will tell you a bit more about the plans I have for my collection. They are basically four, but I am really excited about them.

First of all, I really want to start showing. I don’t know much about it yet, but it looks like a lot of fun. Unfortunately, in my country, there aren’t many collectors, so live showing would be impossible. The only option is photo showing, which also seems fun. Last year, I made an account on OMHPS and entered some classes (I placed 1st twice with two horses, but no other placings), and then I quit. Next year, I might enter the Breyer Bootcamp, but I will have to read the description and rules first. Another plan is to join the Vintage Club this year. In the past, I really wanted to join the Premier Club, but after a while, I really enjoyed the Vintage Club releases and how they celebrate Breyer’s history. I also wanted to join last year, but I decided to try the Collector’s Club instead to see how things work and next year, I will probably try to get a spot.

The other two plans involve crafting. Almost since I started collecting Breyers, I’ve wanted to make my own model horse and 3d print it. I started one project, but it failed. Then I began a second one, which didn’t fail as badly, but let’s just say it wasn’t great. My third attempt was nice (at least to me). The problem is that I don’t have a 3D printer, and without one, I can’t do much. Now I want to try and make a medallion, which won’t be too hard to mold and cast if i succeed. I will talk more about the 3D horses I’ve made (tried to make at least) in another post. Last but not least, I want to make a simple diorama to take pictures of my models. I’ve gotten many ideas over the past couple of months, and I think I’m ready to start building it!

Collection Showcase #1

Published on 10 September 2024

Welcome to the first collection showcase! In this series, I’ll be sharing my models, explaining how and where I got them, along with some additional interesting details about each one.

For the first showcase, I decided to show you my first ever Schleich (my first model horse ever), and my first stablemates that started my love for Breyer horses.

My first ever model horse was a Schleich Friesian. I don’t remember exactly when I got it, but I do recall being at a toy store near my house, where there was a stand filled with Schleich animals, including horses. After picking up that Friesian, I started buying more both to collect and to play with. Schleichs became my favorite childhood toy, and since then I have collected many. While I don’t plan to feature them all here, I might share some of the ones that hold special meaning to me.

The next model is my first ever Breyer horse! It was sometime around 2017 and I was out with my family when i entered a hobby store. They had some Stablemates on display for just €2, and they immediately caught my eye. I spent a bit of time looking at them, unsure which one to choose, but eventually, I decided on the Hanoverian gelding. When we sat down to eat at a restaurant, I unpacked the horse and was truly amazed with its quality. I had expected the figure to be made of soft plastic, but it was much sturdier and of far better quality than I imagined. I was so impressed that I went straight back to the store and bought a few more!

These are the other Stablemates that were available in the store. I don’t quite remember which ones I bought on the day I found the Hanoverian gelding, as I ended up revisiting the store a few months later and purchased the rest!

As you can see I have played a lot with these horses.

Thank you all for reading that, if you like it please let me know in the comment box. In the next showcase I will show you the first 2 traditional horses I ever got!

Upcoming Peter Stone molds

Published on 7 September 2024

The Peter Stone company changed owners early this year. During the announcement live stream they also revealed two brand new sculptures. One mare with the name Volo and her foal Pimento!

A few days ago, I came across a post showcasing a new Chip Draft foal named Violet (I was so happy when I saw this one because chips are so adorable). In the image it's just the prototype of the horse, and of course, not the final product.

All these amazing sculptures were created by the talented Maggie Jenner-Bennett. In my opinion, the recent additions to the Peter Stone collection are incredibly exciting. It feels like the company is expanding, which suggests they’ll continue to release even more amazing pieces. I truly love Stone horses, but the newer models seem a bit pricey to me, leaving me with mixed feelings. I admire them, but they’re just out of my reach. However, if the company continues to grow, perhaps the prices will become more affordable in the future.

I got all these images from Peter Stone’s social media.

Breyerfest Haul 2024

Published on 6 September 2024

Hello again! I’m a bit late to the party, but here’s my Breyerfest 2024 haul! This was my third online Breyerfest, and I purchased some of the models before the event and some a bit afterward.

The first horse I got was Kirk! When I saw the promo for the 2024 Vintage Club, I knew I had to get Kirk at some point because he's a Nightlamb. As soon as Breyer released him, I quickly searched for him on eBay and managed to snag one! He became the most expensive horse in my collection, but I have zero regrets about it.

Next up are the models I got straight from the Breyerfest store. In the Special Run preference form I filled out in June, I selected the Surprise Model and Fighter & Survivor. Initially, I wasn't planning on getting both because it would be quite expensive, but I figured I'd wait to see the surprise variations and mold first before deciding. I also had my eye on the Limited Edition Stablemate, Wild Things. (Last year, I missed out on Buggy, a horse I loved.) In the end, I sold my Surprise horse even though I liked every variation, and instead, I got Fighter & Survivor and Wild Things.

For Wild Things, I was initially hoping for the standard variation, but when I opened it and saw the green one, I instantly changed my mind and fell in love with it.

Of course, I also got my Athenian Lady with my online ticket! I was really nervous about the condition of the models that Breyer would send, but thankfully, mine arrived undamaged.

The next model I picked up was on the Monday after the Breyerfest weekend, from a seller in Europe. I found Chablis at what I thought was a great price (especially for Europe), and I couldn't let such a pretty model slip through my fingers!

Last but not least, while browsing eBay just for fun, I came across one of my grails: Lillian and Molly (the 2019 Vintage Club model). I couldn’t find any other listings for this set, so I decided to get it because who knows when I'd have another chance to find this pair!

All in all, this was my Breyerfest 2024 haul. I really enjoyed this year's live broadcast, workshops, live auction, and more. I’m already looking forward to Breyerfest 2025 and seeing what Breyer has in store for their 75th anniversary!!

Welcome to Stable Stories!

Published on 4 September 2024

I’m really excited to start my own model horse blog! In this space, I’ll be showcasing my collection, sharing my latest projects, and giving my opinions on upcoming releases. There’s so much to look forward to, so stay tuned!